Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It Happened At Thrifty's

A couple of days ago, just before the weekend I was heading into Thrifty's to get a few items for din-din. As I walked into the store and observed the vast array of food and people, I walked purposefully toward the dairy section. Amidst the clanging of carts, kids screaming, and people who don' t know when to move out of the way, I somehow (without thinking about it) managed to filter everything out except the music playing on the speakers in the store. I knew the song all too well, but it took me a second before I realized what it was. Interestingly enough it was none other then Christian contemporary artist Stacie Orrico with her song "More To Life" and it dawned on me that it was playing in Thrifty's! I swam in some shock for a moment or two.

Some of you might be thinking, yes.. that's on a lot of the secular stations. But I'll give more of an example of where I'm going with this.

When we lived in the interior of BC, I'll never forget the day I walked into Save On Foods one evening to hear "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe playing on the store speakers...I was stunned. I even stood still and waited for the line "..will I dance for you Jesus...or in awe of you be still.." and true enough they didn't cut it out! I couldn't believe it. I've heard of them playing that song on some secular radio stations where we lived, but I still couldn't believe my ears since this was a store that isn't playing the radio (stores like this have set corporate stations they tune into).

So, here's where I'm going with this... What an AMAZING blessing it is to hear this music being played, but how much more of a blessing it will be for those who don't know Him. Christian music has had it rough the last 10+ years, and it is so relieving to hear it not only sound really good, but to see it surfacing into the mainstream channels. For me anyway, it's a reminder to keep our Christian artists in prayer and to remember that they too are on the front lines. I for one, hope to hear much more of the truth in grocery stores everywhere. And to think I once questioned why one earth they play music in such places!

Well someone is always listening..

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Marina Guy

The other day I was down at the docks roaming around and for those of you who know me, this is not unusual. I do in fact try to get down to the marinas at least twice a week -- for me it is entirely therapeutic as I dream of being on the ocean with the sails all the way up in the wind!
Needless to say, it is a huge stress reliever for me and I've spent much time in thought and prayer in such places. Anyway as I was roaming around it started to rain, so I decided to head back to the parking lot since I didn't have much reason to get wet that day. As I ventured back I heard a guy call from behind me in my general direction:

"Are you heading into town? "

I said nothing since I figured he was talking to someone else and continued walking up the dock -- only to my mild shock he repeated himself and this time there was no mistaking he was referring to me. There is a point sometimes when everything stops around you, and you realize that you are about to be put into a situation that you don't want to be in, and all at once options start running through your mind. By the time I had one option come to mind I found myself responding to him:

"I live here actually... "

I wish to point out that my response was intended to ward off any thought on his part that I might give him a ride, since I knew what he was getting at. As I don't make it a habit to give strangers a ride I was thinking how I could avoid such a venture. Whilst thinking this he then responded: You live in the marina? So I replied... No, I mean I live in town.

He pressed on..."Well I was going to ask if I could get a ride into town with you..."

At this point I took an appraisal of whether or not I was in danger and after a quick scan I actually felt sorry for him, and indeed some compassion. He was probably in his 60’s, was roughly dressed and had two bags with him, one of them a Molson bag. So I casually replied as if I was used to this type of thing:


As we walked up the docks to the parking lot, he immediately went into his own world and started reeling sentences on his experiences sailing. When I actually put his bags in the trunk, and he climbed into the passengers seat the thought rang in my head “Lord, what AM I doing?”

So off we went, and he continued with his thoughts and opinions on sailing, life and politics. Whilst barreling along the highway I noted a wedding band on his finger, and listened to him more then spoke. As I pondered the predicament he was in (it would have been a LONG walk) a thought came to mind, and it sat with me for a while:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.." Matt 25:35

As I thought about this I asked him again where he wanted me to take him, and although he said I could drop him off in town and would walk home, I offered to take him to his final destination. I was wanting to do this for him, and at the same time I had a real curiosity to see where he resided.

After about 10 minutes, we pulled up to his house and wouldn’t you know it is a lovely little house looking right onto the ocean. He continued his verbal ponderings until we reached the top of the driveway, and closed our little excursion with standard small talk.

As I got out of the car and gave his bags to him, there was a moment when we caught each other’s glance for the first time. He said nothing at first...and after a second or two he smiled brightly and thank for me for the ride. Just as he turned I told him he was welcome and asked him his name, realizing I had no idea who my brief passenger called himself. He said he his name was Brian.
In truth, I may never seen Brian again – but then this is a small town and you never know. As I got back in the car, and rolled down the driveway I pondered what just took place.

Let me be the first to say I don’t encourage people to go out and give strangers rides at random. I believe however, God used this experience to speak to me, and I hope it speaks to you in some way.

Aside from the colourful metaphors he used amidst his opinions I was definitely reminded of this…

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it..” Hebrews 13:2

Freshly Brewed

Greetings all,

After much pondering, deliberation and a convincing best friend, I've decided to finally display some of the inner-most thoughts and workings of my heart and mind onto this place. As I write this, the thought occurs to me that it is in fact conceivable, though perhaps improbable, that the thoughts and "pitherings" I relay here may in fact reach, teach or even touch people on the farthest reaches of our blue planet!


And then again, it may simply be a mild form of textual entertainment for the rest of us as we seek to glean from one another, and perhaps learn a thing or two in the process. So on that note, let the games begin!

And thank you one and all for reading...I do hope you enjoy your stay, and if you have time feel free to make a fresh cup of toasted liquid (java of course) and make yourself at home.