Friday, July 22, 2005

Rejected By…The Devil?

Since some of us are on the topic of movies lately...I felt this was quite fitting. The latest horror movie coming out, written and directed by Rob Zombie, is called “The Devil’s Rejects”. It’s a movie about a family who randomly hunt down and slaughter people. Apparently it’s said to be quite a frightening movie full of gore, explicit content and sadistic violence.

Good Lord…

I find it interesting the obsession with evil and darkness these days.. true, its always been around and by our fallen, sinful nature we are often curious (too curious at times) about that side of the woods. The movie even advertises one-liners like “THIS SUMMER..GO TO HELL”.. and quick portrayals of hideous slaughter with seductive undertones. The message this is communicating is obviously dark, but one that seems to be surfacing so much more these days that it seems normal. Are we loosing sensitivity?

I salute movies that have a powerful message in them, and can in many ways impact one’s life for the good. Lisa did an awesome blog (Batman Begins) about that very thing. Movies like this one however, remind me of dark portrayals such as Natural Born Killers.. where even one of the actors was disturbed making the movie! This speaks volumes.. and we need to be reminded that there so much power behind movies that is not physical.. The title of the movie implies to me that (in the context of the title) such behavior was not even fit for hell (or maybe they just weren’t bad enough – who knows, I haven’t seen the movie nor do I wish to). My point is that we must pray for more movies like the Passion to be released! Pray for a holy invasion into Hollywood! Even Anne Rice praised “The Passion of the Christ” on her website (albeit for her own reasons).

My final rant on this movie, is that such behavior would be not rejected by the Devil at all..but welcomed. What a joke.

Darkness is drawn to the light, NOT the other way around! If we “Let our light so shine…”, those in darkness will be drawn to us. A pastor friend once explained to me the analogy that (in the natural) when people are truly starving…they will even eat garbage. It’s not surprising in a spiritually starving society that people will feed themselves with whatever spiritual muck is out there.. anything… even garbage. I’ve tasted the dark side..and it’s a lonely, cold place. We need to remember to pray for others accordingly. There are a number of Christian media companies out there preparing and praying for God’s truth to be seen more and more in Hollywood. I can't help but wonder..are our lights shining on the homefront, and what we stand up for? Or what we tolerate? I'm having to examine this myself as to what I recommend or become used to.

Yes, even Hollywood has a destiny in the Lord, but she needs to choose to walk in it. There are more Mel Gibson’s out there – but they need prayer! It’s been a dream of mine for a number of years now to pray for those in the media (music and movies) who are not saved. But recently.. I was reminded that we must cover those who ARE saved in the media world, because they are on the front lines against a principality that does not want to let it’s territory go.. Jesus gave us the authority, let's use it!


At 1:12 PM, Blogger ~WandererShe~ said...

Good message :)

It's unfortunate that even though people say they would never see a movie that is like that, christian or not, the box office totals speak for themselves - I don't totally think that people are so hungry that they 'eat it' I think they are so used to growing up on "coke and candy bars" for breakfast that the thought of fruit and flakes is incredibly boring. Even though it's better for you.
Now back to my 'Cup'o'noodles' from healthy *rolling eyes*

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Island Girl said...

Personally, I have never liked horror movies or even semi-horror. Russ convinced me to watch one with him and even yet I am disturbed by some of the scenes that flash through my memory.

I was told by a youth pastor once that watching horror movies is like giving the devil an invitation into your soul. Ideas or images can be planted inside you without you knowing.

Now, do you recall what we discussed for at least an hour on that fateful day we applied 3000 labels to lolly-pops? It was the movie "The Saw". Why did Ryan, Lisa, and Russ watch it? Why were you so avid to hear about it? I'm not trying to judge you but just giving you something to ponder. It seems that maybe, as light, we are drawn to the darkness after all.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Quigley said...

Interesting point: It wasn't so much the content of "Saw", but more curious as to why everyone had watched it if it was a hideous movie (this is why I pointed out that sometimes we/I can be too curious). I don't believe light is drawn to the darkness at all (it's not in scripture), but clearly human nature is.. so that's what we need to surrender in things like this. I've had to do it before, and I imagine it's an ongoing thing..

I've also heard that deliberatly watching something evil can open you up to it spiritually and in many ways I agree with that... The challenge is some people's perspective on what is evil. This is why I pointed this movie out as it is sinister in nature from what I can see..

At 4:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't watch horror me a wimp, a wuss...I don't mind. I'm not saying this as some sort of religious pharisee slamming down his hammer of judgement, but in Matthew, Jesus talks about the eyes being a window to the soul. I believe that certain aspects of visual media...penetrate us more spiritually than we think. Tommy Tenney, a pastor in the states " watches " ( he reads ) very little news because the images have become to in your face and graphic, that he finds it impairs his spiritual sensitivity. The images in Horror movies I believe can and do impair us spiritually. Sort of like a ray of UV radiation hit a triggers something.
But, I'm not judging folks that want to watch the stuff...but for me spiritually I haven't got enough sun block in my system for it.

That being said, I still think there are quite a few " secular " movies out ther that can be redeemed for His glory.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger ~WandererShe~ said...

I don't really think that having a curiosity sudden;y means we are demon seeking darkness lovers. People have different sensitivities to different things - scary movies for example, Ryan didn't find SAW to be as disturbing as I did, But a friend of mine found it even more disturbing than we all have diffreent strengths and can handle different things. My sister-in-law for example was an actress in "Freddy Vs. Jason" and apparently there were quite a few things that happened during the filming where she was witnessing to these people on set - there is a place for us in the darkness and I sometimes think for myself that if we are "hiding" in the light we tend to grey out the black in darkness. Point being: if anyone is super sensitive to these things watching these movies perhaps would not be a wise idea to watch and if you aren't super sensitive you should be mindful of what you are opening yourself up to. My two cents..or four, i did type for awhile lol.

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Island Girl said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off sounding so judgemental. I must be one of those people who is more sensitive to those images because I really can't stand watching any kind of horror or semi-horror.

Lisa is quite right that as the light, it is our duty to go into the dark places. The trick is too be strong enough to withstand the dark.

Encouraging thought, courtesy of Corrie Block: No matter how hard the dark tries, it can never put out the light. It doesn't matter how big or dark the dark is. A single candle flame will always push away the dark.

At 11:29 PM, Blogger ~WandererShe~ said...

Amen. a single breath of God is more powerful than the all the legions of Hell. Small flame indeed - amen :D

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Quigley said...

Love that encouraging thought Gwen!! Good to remember :)

At 1:19 PM, Blogger matthew christopher davidson said...

I think the title means that the 'rejects' are the property of the devil (and thus the possessive use of the apostrophe) rather than the idea that the family is rejected by the devil.

The enemy offers false belonging to those who feel they have no other place to belong. In other words, since those who are afraid of, angry at or rejected by the church will not turn there, and often have a distorted sense of family, they find spirituality in distorted acts.

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Megan said...

*clears throat* What is the date on this post?! EXcuse me Mr. Quigley, I will continue to bug you about not posting because i feel it is my duty as a fellow blogger to make sure that we are all keeping up our part in keeping eachother posted on eachothers opinions...and you bugged me and you are just as bad :P....jk...take care Quig!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger ~WandererShe~ said...

Oh my my my Now! Megan DOES have a quality point! I think it says like,,,July...." 22nd?
Weren't there still dinosaurs back then?...REALLY Quigley, really.... tsk tsk!


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