Freshly Brewed
Greetings all,
After much pondering, deliberation and a convincing best friend, I've decided to finally display some of the inner-most thoughts and workings of my heart and mind onto this place. As I write this, the thought occurs to me that it is in fact conceivable, though perhaps improbable, that the thoughts and "pitherings" I relay here may in fact reach, teach or even touch people on the farthest reaches of our blue planet!
And then again, it may simply be a mild form of textual entertainment for the rest of us as we seek to glean from one another, and perhaps learn a thing or two in the process. So on that note, let the games begin!
And thank you one and all for reading...I do hope you enjoy your stay, and if you have time feel free to make a fresh cup of toasted liquid (java of course) and make yourself at home.
Atta boy Richie! I knew you'd come around sooner later - there's too much going on in that eternally curious head of yours to avoid the urge to blog sooner or later! And leave it to you to come up with a name like "Toasted Liquid" :)
I'm actually surprised the word "pithering" didn't make it into the title
Thanks my friend! Yes, I was deliberating on using "pithering" in the title...but I wanted something that sounded a bit more interesting (glad you like it).
I will discuss the art of the pither in more detail in posts to come. Yes... I have many things brewing..!
um Is it wrong that I get the java joke ? I guess two DO become one in marriage - Ryan's nerdiness is now 'gulp' mine also........sigh. but his infectious sense of humour and outstanding good looks are from me, we all know this.
hey we posted at the same time ! yay! LOL
I know what you are doing right now ! NOT working
hey wait a second! you were referring to coffee in your joke and I was thinking "java " computer coding - blogs are on the computer etc. oh man I have taken on Ryan's nerdiness and transformed it into something even more terrifying...... Nerdlisaness.
While in hiding, let me illuminate your take on it -- not so much intended to be a joke, but rather a play on words.
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