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It seems like in the world where games like Halo are a common household staple... I miss the day where the simple games were sometimes the best. Nothing against the new stuff....I think it's great, but I tend to be an old school guy in that department :) I have to say I think my all time favorite would be Bubble Bobble! Here's why - the story is simple, so are the graphics.. and the music is...well...pretty original..enough that you start humming the chorus before long whilst spitting bubbles at the monsters and bursting them into oblivion ;-) I think the reason I like this game so much, is for me (as I don't play much computer games at all) it is a "getting back to basics" kind of reprieve for me - it's so simple and uncomplicated. Sometimes life gets pretty complicated and things come up that just either don't make sense... or don't seem fair. As many of you know, a girl in our church was in a serious car accident and is right now in critical, but stable condition. Like the rest of the church - it both shocked and shook me because we don't usually think when we say goodbye to someone in the evening, that it "could" be the last time we talk - this side of heaven! do we uncomplicate things?
I was in Spain recently for my brother's wedding... it was amazing.. the wedding was wonderful...and everything about the trip was different. The concept of "stress" doesn't exist in Spanish culture.. everything is relaxed.. even their work day! They work in the morning till around lunch time.. then businesses shut till around 3pm... (for their afternoon siesta) then re-open and later close in the evening. They then have dinner around 10pm!!! Sounds weird? Of course! Our North American culture wouldn't hear of it... and yet... when we were there it made so much sense and I found myself asking myself over and over.. Why on earth don't we operate this way? It wasn't just about having a nice relaxed lifestyle, but about having a healthy one. I don't recall seeing a single overweight person, and everyone seemed very calm. Tourist observation? Perhaps... But it made an impact on me that's for sure!
So as I ponder the world that's buzzing around me I'm so aware of relationships around us.. some doing well.. others not. Funny how life is like that.. pits and peaks some say! The news is screaming with all kinds of things.. from North Korea's trigger happy stance on Nuclear stuff... to another fallen leader in the church. I should mention by the way, that I'm really saddened by the news of Ted Haggard, but indeed it is another wake up call for the church I'm convinced. Anyways.. in the complexity of things going on around us.. and daily musings about life and and relationships... I find that perhaps we just need to be still sometimes... and wait ... and listen for that still small voice of the one who actually does know all things.. and let Him assure you that HE is in control..