Monday, May 01, 2006


Good grief...what a weekend it's been!!! I was sick a good part of last week, then we had after some brief renovations in our place, an old pipe decided that now was a good time to burst!!! So what started (as I observed) as a healthy drip coming out of the ceiling.. turned into a watery mess which continued to pool itself on our floor.. and then got adventurous and made it's way under the laminate floors in our kitchen, dining room... and yes.. bathroom!

To quote the medieval expletive.. ODS BODKINS!

Word from the wise.. (or aspiring wise)... to those of you out there considering the wonderful world of home ownership - I beg you .. have insurrance!!!! This is what it is for - the great unexpected =)

So here I sit.. at home...using work vacation time awaiting the insurrance adjuster (who sounded very nice on the phone) to call...and subsequently knock at the door to tell me how much they will replace! Yes... my friends.. it could be worse, and I know that God always has a way of working these things out for the better! Already miracles have happened... starting with the emergency plumber we called after-hours when we first observed the waterfall that night. On the phone he said it would be time and half... but when we spoke to him the next morning - he said.. and I quote "I won't charge you..."

Praise God!! So below is two lovely pictures of the first signs of the ensuing flood... I'll leave the rest to your imagination.