3000...A Nice Round Number
Firstly, let me apologize to all my high paying subscribers, friends, and cafe guests that I haven't written for a while! I find with blogging I typically write when I'm inspired by that one moment in the day where something gets my attention or catches the eye...be it something shiny, or an epiphany that comes clear out of the blue. Anyway, I have returned but today my inspiration is in the form a nagging pain in my forearm.
Allow me to explain...
For the Canada day parade in our town, our church is doing a float. That in itself is a miracle, and what better place to get peoples attention then to have them all staring at you and thinking "hey..that's pretty cool for a church to do that! " and at the same time be a part of the whole excitement of celebrating our great nation. Anyway, many of us are walking by the float donning red and white and giving out sucker's (lollipops for those who shudder slang) with little tags on them. These tags have our church website on it, and the cartoon for our summer vacation bible school for kids.
It is these tags and suckers that draw me to the pain I'm experiencing at this very moment. Several of us sat at the table yesterday for several hours and applied these tags to approximately 3000 suckers! Now consider for a moment that the average kid probably gobbles down a couple of these a month. I would guestimate this since there are more exciting confections then mini suckers these days so I think it is a reasonable wager. So if the average kid does two a month, that's 24 a year. That means that we tagged enough suckers yesterday to last a person the entire span of their life (at a rate of 2 a day) until they are 125 years of age! ODS BODKINS!
This morning upon entering my office I realized that though I didn't suffer any nightmares of evil suckers chasing after me in a fleeting panic, my right forearm is experiencing the throbbing benefits of the labour accordingly!
So, for all you enchiladas out there who like suckers, this one's for you =)